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Maths at Home is an external site that has videos to support all areas of maths for EYFS to year 6
Maths Raps has maths rap songs to support shape , number and problem solving
100 grid square can be used for many maths activities, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, finding number patterns, addition, subtraction etc... this link will take you to a number square with some activities for you to try.
Number Lines are a useful tool for counting on, counting back, addition, subtraction, more, less and many other maths activities. You can also make number lines from lego, duplo etc...
Writing Numbers. Here are some activities, songs, videos, and resources to help with teaching writing numbers.
Fractions How much pizza do you want? Or how big a slice of cake can you have? Learning about fractions might help, check out the resources on this page.